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热门关键词: packing machine POF wrapping film
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Method of Contraction Efficiency of Shrinkage Membrane

返回列表发布人:kxgypack   发布时间:2019-08-20  15:51:59

The shrinkage film of POF is also a kind of packaging film. Whether it is regular or irregular products, it can be used. How to improve the shrinkage effect of the shrinkage film of pof? POF shrink film manufacturers to share with you.

Firstly, when using POF shrinkage film, see if there are any holes on the surface of the shrinkage film. We should know that the surface of the shrinkage film must have some holes, so that the gas in the shrinkage film can be emitted through the holes.

Secondly, we should also look at the quality of the POF shrinkage film. When we choose the shrinkage film, we should choose the good quality shrinkage film, so that we can achieve the shrinkage requirements when we shrink.

Third: Another thing is to see whether the temperature is appropriate. The manufacturer of POF shrinkage film reminds us that the shrinkage film should reach a certain temperature when it shrinks, so we should see if the temperature has reached the requirements.

How to improve the shrinkage effect of POF shrinkage film, we can try the above three methods. Our POF shrinkage film manufacturer produces shrinkage film with qualified quality, reasonable price and large quantity. Welcome to buy.


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  • 联系人:Manager Li
  • 电话:010-61568962
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  • 传真:010-61568962
  • 邮箱:lichuanjing@kxgypack.com
  • 公司地址:No. 16 B, No. 16 Guanghua Road, Tongzhou Industrial Development Zone, Zhangjia Bay Town, Tongzhou District, Tongzhou Dis

National Consultative Hotline

Cell phone scanning two-dimensional code Cell phone scanning two-dimensional code

Contacts:Manager Li    Telephone:010-61568962   
Mobile phone:18511885178、13661337737
Mailbox:lichuanjing@kxgypack.com    Fax:010-61568962
Address:No. 16 B, No. 16 Guanghua Road, Tongzhou Industrial Development Zone, Zhangjia Bay Town, Tongzhou District, Tongzhou Dis