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Problems encountered in the use of PE plastic film

返回列表发布人:kefu   发布时间:2018-03-21  20:13:55

As we all know, plastic film is usually used to pack goods, as well as dust, scraping, oil pollution, fingerprints, and so on. Now a lot of product for sale will generally protect the plastic film on the surface of the packaging to protect the plastic film field is large, but the market will inevitably encounter uneven in quality, protection of the plastic film, Xiaobian to introduce PE protection plastic film may be encountered with the problem and how to solve.

1, whether it is color or transparent PE plastic film and protected products between the paste is not strong, there will be shedding phenomenon in the transport and use process, sensitive glue viscosity is the biggest possibility is to protect the plastic film used in production is not enough, and die machine pressure using a possibility is that when a user with a die is not enough, or the surface profile is not clean, dust or paint, the effect of the sensitive adhesive paste effect! If this problem arises, we must take care of the reasons, suit the remedy to the case, replace the sensitive adhesive, increase the pressure of the film, or pay attention to the effective cleaning of the surface of the section when the film is placed, which will avoid such problems.

2, plastic film intermediate good performance in use after a period of time, but the two wings, the main reason for this phenomenon is protected by section protection film in the paste process, the stretching degree is high, or in the plastic stick protective film, in high temperature environment, the retraction phenomenon necessary, the problem appeared in the south of customer products, therefore, should pay attention to the influence of environmental temperature products using PE protection film in the production process, to avoid unnecessary tension in the paste process.


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